• Adults Sewing classes
  • Adults Sewing classes


For absolute beginners to Intermediate students
Learn how to operate sewing & overlock machines
Read & alternate patterns, selecting suited fabric to projects
Alternating garment
Friendly teacher and relaxed atmosphere

Fee :
$55 per class
For every 5th classes within the same term $44
2 hours private class $110
Fee includes GST

Min 2 students/ max 4 students per classes
The classes run on public school terms
Sewing machines and overlocker available
BYO machines are also welcome
Dates/ time open to suggestions

If you are interested in, please fill in..

    Your Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Contact Number (required)

    Which date workshop you would like to book?
    We are happy to open new classes with minimum of 2 students.

    TUE 10 AM – 12 PM expression of interestTUE 12:30 – 2:30 PM FULLTUE 6 – 8 PMTHU 12:30 – 2:30 PM expression of interestTHU 6 – 8 PM expression of interest

    Do you authorize Artspark studio to use photographic materials of you and your projects on their website? (required)

    Comments - What is your sewing level? What would you like to learn? Other date and time you would like to attend?

    How did you hear about Artspark? (required)

    By ticking this box, I accept Artspark studio's Terms and Conditions. (required)

    Submitting this form will send us an email with the information you provided. We take the greatest care in protecting the confidentiality of your personal information, which is not stored on, or accessible from Artspark studio's web server. We do not communicate any information to any third party. Please contact us for any privacy concern.